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职位描述: 音响工程师/技术支持

  1. 负责专业音响产品售前与售后支持工作
  2. 为客户提供现场音响产品演示、介绍及技术讲解
  3. 负责音响系统的调试与操作

Job Description: Sound Engineer

  1. Responsible for pre-sale and after sale support;
  2. Product demonstration, presentation and technical introduction to clients;
  3. Responsible for sound system adjustment and operations.


  1. 大专以上学历,音响工程、录音、电子技术等相关专业
  2. 两年以上专业音响技术工程师从业经验
  3. 具有良好的人际交往与沟通能力和团队合作意识
  4. 学习能力强,能适应出差
  5. 会英语者优先考虑

Job requirement:

1. College degree or above, sound engineering, recording, electronic technology, or other related educational background
2. At least 2 years experience of professional audio engineer
3. Good interpersonal and communicational skills and strong sense of team work
4. Strong learning ability and willing to go out for business trip
5. English speaking preferred.



If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to jiren@vue-audiotechnik.com.cn