西澳表演艺术学院(WAAPA)拥有先进的表演和教学设施,是全球最成功的艺术培训机构之一。学院座落于澳大利亚西澳的伊迪斯科文大学曼罗利校区,那儿有各类工作室和剧院空间,包括最近翻新的Music Box剧院。该剧院采用了全新的VUE Audiotechnik专业音响系统,包括al-4超紧凑型线阵系统,al-4SB吊挂式低音系统和V4-i系统引擎,由Amber Technology公司负责系统设计,Sinclair Communications负责系统安装。


With state-of-the-art performance and teaching facilities, the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) is one of the most successful and renowned arts training institutions worldwide. Based at the Mount Lawley Campus of Edith Cowan University, WAAPA is home to a variety of performance studios and theatre spaces including the newly refurbished Music Box Theatre — a space which received a new VUE Audiotechnik PA system designed by Amber Technology and installed by Sinclair Communications. The PA system includes al-4 Subcompact Line Arrays, al-4SB Flying Subwoofer Systems and V4i System Engines.

VUE Audiotechnik 赋予3S艺术空间灵感

2015年年初,3S 艺术空间(3S Artspace) 由一片旧仓库改建而成,当时它需要一套音响系统来满足10000平方英尺的各种室内活动。Swell Sound公司的音频专家和顾问根据自己对声学的研究和在声学方面的经验,为该场地选择了全套VUE Audiotechnik的音响产品。

VUE Audiotechnik Inspires at 3S Artspace

When 3S Artspace built its location from the remnants of an old warehouse in early 2015, it required a sound system capable of catering to the 10,000-square-foot building’s variety of activities. It called in audio consultants Swell Sound to apply their acoustical expertise, which in turn commissioned a full set of VUE Audiotechnik products for the space.

A nonprofit founded in 2009, 3S Artspace is dedicated to showcasing emerging art and entertainment. The physical 3S Artspace building features a number of eclectic venues, such as a performance space, an art gallery and a restaurant. This combination is designed to accommodate the organization’s robust set of events and performances, from short-film nights to sets by DJs and hardcore bands.