RJG – Ohio, Indiana & Kentucky Demos


RJG – R Joseph Group
will present LIVE DEMOS of the VUE Audiotechnik

aI-Class Scalable Line Array Systems,
h-Class Ultra High Definition Compact Systems,
i-Class Superior Integrated Systems,
and a-Class Advanced Passive Systems
at a 4-stop OPEN HOUSE roadshow.

Monday – May 11th 12-4pm
Access Audio
160 Novner Dr.
Cincinatti, OH 45215

Tuesday – May 12th 12-4pm
Kentucky Indiana Productions
6201 Geens Mill Road
Jeffersonville IN, 47130

Wednesday – May 13th 10-2pm
The Bluestone
583 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215

Thursday – May 14th 12-4pm
Circle City Audio
4008 Lower Huntington Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46809

To Register:
Cincinnati: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vue-audiotechnik-open-house-ci…

Louisville: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vue-audiotechnik-open-house-lo…

Columbus: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vue-audiotechnik-open-house-co…

Ft. Wayne: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vue-audiotechnik-open-house-fo…