Bell Events Services kicks off Fiesta Hermosa with VUE Audiotechnik

“We’ve been using VUE systems since the company’s beginning. We literally feel like we’re part of the family. As more people hear what these systems can do, word of mouth is driving demand, and our business is benefiting as a result. It’s very exciting to be on the ground floor of the next big thing.”
– Tim Campbell, Audio Supervisor and Operations Manager for Bell Events Services

VUE Proudly Powers San Francisco Pride Celebration

“Driving in San Francisco is challenging on a good day, but when you’re driving trucks in and out and navigating 1 million spectators in a 36-square-mile city, that makes for a pretty wild ride. All the more reason we love the VUE al-Class since setup is a breeze and they require little to any tuning once flown. We absolutely love this PA.”
-George Edwards, Sound Image San Francisco General Manager

VUE Line Arrays Takes the Stage with REO Speedwagon

“The VUE line arrays always amaze me with their configurability and headroom. REO’s FOH engineer was very impressed, like so many engineers who get their first chance to mix on a VUE rig when they come through this venue. After the show, it goes straight to their rider.”
-Larry Hall, H.A.S. CEO

VUE Dazzles Fourth Season at BottleRock

“This was hands-down the highest-profile lineup of any BottleRock yet, and the al-12s consistently impressed visiting engineers with their almost limitless headroom, sonic quality and overall punch.”
 -Jason Alt, President of Delicate Production

InfoComm 2018

The VUE Crew wholehearted appreciated your support making InfoComm 2018, the VUE Bash, and the BBQ & Brews a tremendous success. We hope you all enjoyed the show and special events and look forward to seeing you all next year! Do you have photos or video of VUE at InfoComm? Send them to Dana for […]