VUE Swings with Bell Biv Devoe

“I’m a VUE zealot and of course it is the right choice for both schedule and performance reasons. We had no time for tricky setup and needed things to hang fast and sound great right out of the gate, which is why we went with VUE. The al-12 rig has enough horsepower to absolutely knock your socks off, but the right amount of finesse to keep things sane.”
-Larry Hall, H.A.S. C.E.O.

VUE and Bell Events Deliver Perfect Waves for Spyder Surf Fest

“Without a doubt, VUE’s versatility has helped us to build a reputation for delivering high-quality sound that is up and rocking without a bunch of extra time or expense. We’re incredibly pleased with our VUE partnership and looking forward to expanding the line in the future.”
– Tim Campbell, Audio Supervisor and Operations Manager at Bell Event Services

VUE Elevates the Crowd at 43rd Annual Navasartian Games

“While people were pretty impressed with the VUE rig in 2017, our first year using it at the event, they were even more impressed this year as my team really got familiar with the system’s capabilities and were able to really maximize performance. It’s great knowing that the VUE rig helped achieve the spirit of the event — to “Rise and Raise” — even in spite of the intense heat wave felt really great,”
– Neptune Production’s President, Raffi Ganoumian

Bell Events Services kicks off Fiesta Hermosa with VUE Audiotechnik

“We’ve been using VUE systems since the company’s beginning. We literally feel like we’re part of the family. As more people hear what these systems can do, word of mouth is driving demand, and our business is benefiting as a result. It’s very exciting to be on the ground floor of the next big thing.”
– Tim Campbell, Audio Supervisor and Operations Manager for Bell Events Services

VUE Proudly Powers San Francisco Pride Celebration

“Driving in San Francisco is challenging on a good day, but when you’re driving trucks in and out and navigating 1 million spectators in a 36-square-mile city, that makes for a pretty wild ride. All the more reason we love the VUE al-Class since setup is a breeze and they require little to any tuning once flown. We absolutely love this PA.”
-George Edwards, Sound Image San Francisco General Manager