VUE Audiotechnik Inspires at 3S Artspace

When 3S Artspace built its location from the remnants of an old warehouse in early 2015, it required a sound system capable of catering to the 10,000-square-foot building’s variety of activities. It called in audio consultants Swell Sound to apply their acoustical expertise, which in turn commissioned a full set of VUE Audiotechnik products for the space.

A nonprofit founded in 2009, 3S Artspace is dedicated to showcasing emerging art and entertainment. The physical 3S Artspace building features a number of eclectic venues, such as a performance space, an art gallery and a restaurant. This combination is designed to accommodate the organization’s robust set of events and performances, from short-film nights to sets by DJs and hardcore bands.

VUE Audiotechnik与Production Resource Group共同为CNN美国大老党辩论会提供创新音频方案

每七个美国人中就有一个观看了第二轮2015 GOP辩论会(“GOP”为大老党,是美国共和党的别称。GOP辩论会即美国共和党总统参选人辩论会)。而这次辩论会的不同之处在于辩论台上没有了常见的线阵音箱,不会遮挡观众的视线。针对本次活动和场地的独特性,Production Resource Group (PRG)和VUE Audiotechnik共同提供了创新的音频解决方案。

Innovative Audio Solutions at the CNN GOP Debate provided by VUE Audiotechnik and Production Resource Group

While one of every seven Americans watched the second 2015 GOP debate, it was what they didn’t see that made the difference. There were none of the usual line array speakers to obstruct the view of the debate stage. Production Resource Group (PRG) and VUE Audiotechnik worked together to deliver an innovative solution that addressed the unique production challenges of the event and the location.

The CNN-broadcast debate took place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs in Simi Valley, CA, and averaged 23.1 million viewers, becoming the most watched televised debate in CNN’s history.

The GOP debate set was built atop a scaffold-type structure that was around 40’ tall and placed above the Marine One helicopter, with Air Force One as the backdrop for the candidates. Space on the set was limited and designed to handle the 11 candidates, moderators, live audience, and minimal technical crew. For this reason, all of the typical backstage equipment was allocated to one floor below the stage on the second floor of the library.